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Welcome to the Disparity Study information site. The purpose of this site is to provide vital information and updates regarding the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) 2010 Study. This site contains pertinent information regarding the progress related to the Study timeline, milestones achieved, updated media releases, and announcements of upcoming public hearings.

WSSC 2010 Disparity Study

The 2010 Disparity Study (Study) that was commissioned by the WSSC is complete. It provides the results of a fact-finding process about WSSC's procurement activity with women, small and local minority business enterprises. It is important that we make this information available to our ratepayers, our business community, policy makers in Montgomery and Prince George's counties, as well as other interested parties. The purpose of the Study was to evaluate how well WSSC’s current procurement policies promote equal opportunity in the award of its contracts, evaluate the business market in this region, and determine if a statistical significant disparity exists in the awarding of WSSC contracts to woman-owned and minority firms relative to the availability of such firms in the market. The results provide WSSC with a factual predicate for any future MBE Program.

Please click below for the Study and Presentation:

Useful Links:

Disparity Study Kick-Off Presentation – June 2010 Community Meetings

On June 16, 2010 in Montgomery County and June 17, 2010, in Prince George’s County the Commission held the Disparity Study business community kick-off meetings with a presentations conducted by the Disparity Study consultant, Mason Tillman Associates, Ltd.

For More Information:

Contact Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Small, Local and Minority Business Enterprise Office at (301) 206-8800 or E-Mail to

Last Modified: November 10, 2024, 1:05 pm EST