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PIPE NETWORKS                   PLANTS                             PRODUCTS                        BUSINESS 


Pipe NetworksPipe Networks

The goal of Innovation and Research in the pipe networks is to identify technologies and process modifications that could improve the operations and sustainability of WSSC Water’s water and wastewater piping networks.   WSSC Water is working on several initiatives to optimize our buried infrastructure to save time, money, and improve customer experience.  

One recent initiative discussed below has the potential to save WSSC Water time and money, reduce sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs), and increase the life expectancy of our sewer piping network.

Sewer Artificial Intelligence: Using Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning to Optimize Sewer PreventiveSewer Artificial Intelligence: Using Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning to Optimize Sewer Preventive Maintenance Maintenance

We use sewer maintenance prediction technology that tracks data on the status of manholes and finds trends to predict when sewer cleaning is necessary. Cleaning sewers is a scouring process; each cleaning not only requires time and money but also reduces the pipe's life. This technology improves sewer maintenance activities by reducing cost, increasing pipe life expectancy, and reducing the occurrence of Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs).



plantsTreatment Plants

The goal of Innovation and Research at treatment plants is to identify technologies and process modifications that could improve the operations and sustainability of WSSC Water’s two water filtration plants (WFP) and six water resource recovery facilities (WRRF).   WSSC Water is working on several initiatives to explore and advance resource recovery at the WRRFs and to promote sustainable, robust treatment at the water facilities.

One recent initiative discussed below has the potential to save WSSC Water time and money at our water resource recovery facilities:


Seneca Efficient Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Pilot

Seneca WRRFSeneca WRRF processWSSC Water’s Seneca Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) recently received Water Environment Federation’s Project Excellence Award for 2022 by successfully implementing a new science-based optimization approach to its treatment process. This new method reduces energy and chemical costs by using ammonia-based aeration and reduced pumping to better remove nitrogen and phosphorous. The successful implementation of this process throughout the entire facility will help WSSC Water decrease its carbon footprint and save approximately $575,000 a year. As WSSC Water looks to expand this process to other facilities, the wastewater utilities across the country are considering this innovative treatment approach.  


Seneca WRRF innovative treatment approach

ProductsProduct Development

The goal of product development is to create unique devices and solutions for the day-to-day challenges WSSC Water faces. The process of product development supports operation and maintenance across all departments and facilities of WSSC Water. Many solutions developed to date have improved safety, efficiency and reduced costs. The capabilities of WSSC Water’s product development function includes cutting-edge design and analysis tools, rapid prototyping and fabrication, piloting and testing of solutions and implementation planning. 

One recent initiative discussed below has the potential to save WSSC Water time and money as well as improve employee performance:


Universal Fire Hydrant Repair Tool

Hydrant tool prototypeworkers using fire hydrant toolWSSC Water received a patent from the United States Patent Office for our Universal Fire Hydrant Tool. Developed by H2O People to simplify maintenance and repairs, this tool allows WSSC Water crews to repair five types of hydrants in our network of 42,000 hydrants strategically positioned throughout a 1,000-square-mile distribution system. 

Universal Fire Hydrant Tool SchematicUniversal Fire Hydrant tool close up

business partnershipsBusiness Partnerships

The goal in forming partnerships centers around an opportunity or solution. Collectively sharing our unique insights, working with like-minded firms, we can achieve this goal in managing risk and accelerating the benefits. 

Biosolids Business Plan

business partnerships opportunitiesLeveraging our Piscataway Bioenergy Plant, WSSC Water processes dewatered solids from the Water Resource Recovery Facilities to produce high-quality Class A biosolids and generate renewable energy. WSSC Water’s goal is to take the Class A biosolids, treat them like a resource and generate revenue.  Potential partnerships can further financial benefits utilizing the Class A biosolids as an ingredient to produce fertilizers for various market segments.

Last Modified: February 6, 2025, 4:24 pm EST