WSSC Water has created the CAP Leak Repair Program in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity Metro Maryland to repair or replace on-property residential plumbing leaks to help save customers money and conserve water. For more information, go to the CAP Leak Repair Program.
Supporting our neighbors when they need help the most
WSSC Water is committed to providing financial assistance to customers to make your water and sewer bills more affordable. We’ve enhanced our programs and pay plans to provide financial assistance to even more customers. Eligible residential and commercial customers may request a pay plan.
Below are links to county, state and local resources offering financial assistance:
Montgomery County
Prince George's County
Other Resources
Flexible Payment Options
Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
Bay Restoration Fund Exemption
Water Fund
Bill Adjustments
Montgomery County Financial Assistance
- Montgomery County Emergency Financial and Utility Assistance Resource Listing
Download PDF (315kb) - Customers residing in certain cities, who are in need of financial assistance for housing/eviction prevention, utilities and prescription drugs, see the contact information below:
Prince George's County Financial Assistance
- Prince George's County Homeownership Preservation Program: launched in late 2021 and is available to provide up to $30,000 to homeowners for health, safety, energy efficiency, and accessibility repairs in qualified, owner-occupied homes. Households under 50% of the area median income (AMI) can receive up to $50,000 in services. There are income, location, and eligibility requirements. The Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has partnered with Habitat for Humanity of Metro Maryland to implement this program in the County’s qualified census tract areas with special emphasis on homes within one mile of a future Purple Line transit stop.
Prince George’s County Homeownership Preservation Program (PG HOPP)
- Utility Relief Assistance Program offered by H.O.P.E. & Stone of Help CDC : Households that are at or below 80% AMI that have not received utility assistance from the Prince George’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) are eligible for a ONE-TIME financial assistance payment per property address for past due electric, gas, or water bills up to $500. Applicants will need to contact Housing Options & Planning Enterprises Inc. (H.O.P.E.) for further details on how to apply for assistance.
Housing Options & Planning Enterprises Inc., Intake Specialist - 301-567-3330
Prince George’s County Resource Listing
Download PDF (80.3kb) | Download XLSX (19.84kb)
Customers residing in certain cities, who are in need of financial assistance for housing/eviction prevention, utilities and prescription drugs, see the contact information below:
Other Local Resources for Financial Assistance
- WSSC Water Community Resource Guide
Download PDF (441kb) - English - Otros Recursos Locales
Download PDF (169kb) - Español) - You also may call 2-1-1, which provides community health and human service resources, 24/7, in over 150 languages or go to
Download our Financial Assistance information sheet (PDF 492kb)
We help our neighbors in need of water bill financial assistance in the following ways:
Flexible payment options
WSSC Water has partnered with Promise to offer affordable, flexible and interest-free pay plans for customers. Sign up is easy through Promise. Have questions? Call Promise at 301-900-5551.
Customer Assistance Program (CAP)
CAP provides a credit of up to $286 per year for WSSC Water's fixed fees on water and sewer bills (including the Bay Restoration Fund fee collected on behalf of the State of Maryland). Late fees are permanently waived for CAP customers. To apply online for CAP, please visit the Office of Home Energy Programs (OHEP) website or call 800-332-6347. You also may contact your local OHEP offices:
Montgomery County Department of Health & Human Services
Phone (240) 777-4450 | Email:
Prince George’s County Department of Social Services
Phone (301) 909-6300 | Email:
Find out if you qualify on our Customer Assistance Program page. To check the status of your OHEP application, please visit
Download the CAP brochure / Descargue nuestro folleto de CAP
WSSC Water Commissioners recently approved several measures to enhance our financial assistance programs to help more income-constrained customers pay their water/sewer bills. Go to for additional details.
Bay Restoration Fund exemption
This exemption waives the state-mandated Bay Restoration Fund fee of up to $60 per year. Customers enrolled in CAP are automatically enrolled in this program. To apply online for the Bay Restoration Fund Exemption, go to For more information, see the Bay Restoration Fund page.
The Water Fund
The Water Fund was established by WSSC Water employees in 1994 to provide water bill assistance to customers. Funded by donations from WSSC Water customers, employees and community partners, customers can make multiple requests for assistance with water and sewer bills, up to $500 per year. For more information, see the Water Fund assistance page.
To apply, call The Salvation Army office in the county where you live or go to for more information.
Montgomery County Salvation Army: 301-515-5354
Prince George’s County Salvation Army: 301-277-6103
What will I need to confirm eligibility?
All programs require that you be a WSSC Water customer receiving a bill in your name. You will need to present picture identification and proof that your income falls within an established threshold. Because different agencies administer them, each assistance program may have separate applications and eligibility requirements.
Bill adjustments
If you receive a higher than normal bill, you may be eligible for a billing adjustment:
- Leaks: Toilet leaks are the leading cause of high bills for our customers. Learn how much water a leaking toilet can waste and how to check your toilets for leaks here.
- Adjustment: For various reasons, an account may be eligible for a reduction of charges for both residential and commercial properties. More information is available on the Billing Adjustment Request page.
- CAP-approved customers: CAP-approved customers may be eligible to receive a High Bill Adjustment removing 100% of the excess water and sewer usage once for up to two consecutive billing periods in any three-year period. See more about CAP below. See our Customer Assistance Program page for more information.
More information is available on the Bill Adjustment Request page.
Need help now?
Get started by calling 301-206-4001. Our Customer Service Advisors will help you determine the best programs for your situation. We are experiencing longer than usual wait times. We greatly appreciate your patience.
PipeER Water Service Line Emergency Replacement Loan Program
Do you have a leak on your residential water or sewer service line? Does that service line need to be replaced? If so, WSSC Water is here to help with the Pipe Emergency Replacement Loan Program (PipeER).
PipeER provides a loan to help customers finance the replacement of a leaking residential water or sewer service line. Qualified customers are eligible to receive a loan up to $10,000. For more information and to begin your application process, contact WSSC FCU by email at or online at
More information on PipeER
How do I register for these programs?
Call 301-206-4001 and our Customer Service Advisors will help you determine the programs that are best suited for you.