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Eligible Customers Receive Up to 50% in Bill Credits and Waived Fees - Runs March 1 to June 30

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The Relocations Section oversees construction activities within a WSSC Water easement or that affects WSSC Water's water or sewer mains.

The Relocations Section evaluates impacts to the Commission’s pipeline infrastructure due to construction and related activities performed by other governmental agencies, utilities, and property owners.  The Relocations Section regulates and manages the improvements and modifications to WSSC Water’s system based on their assessment of these impacts. Projects are reviewed in ePlan, with the review time based on a project’s complexity.

All applicants must use the Intake Form to initiate a project review.

Projects covered by the Relocations Section include:

  • State, county, and municipal road improvement projects.
  • Construction in public Right-of-Ways.
  • Stream restoration in areas with WSSC Water infrastructure.
  • Easement Encroachment requests submitted by private property owners looking to construct temporary or permanent structures within WSSC Water easements. 
  • Installation and/or relocation of dry utilities that cross or are in close proximity to existing WSSC Water’s water and sewer facilities.
  • Public roadway resurfacing and minor roadway improvement projects.
  • Proposed street abandonments.

Need more information:

Contact our Relocations Section

Fees & Forms

Last Modified: July 2, 2024, 10:40 am EDT