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Sewer Rehabilitation

WSSC Water is among the largest water and wastewater utilities in the nation, serving nearly 1.9 million residents in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties. Within these two counties, WSSC Water operates and maintains more than 5,400 miles of sewer pipeline. Most of these pipes were constructed in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and are nearing the end of useful life.

Rehabilitating the sewer infrastructure will require the use of various remediation methods in addition to the restoration of impacted streams in areas where exposed sewer components intersect with streams. These rehabilitation and restoration projects will take many years to complete.

Routine Rehabilitation Projects

WSSC Water performs maintenance activities on a routine basis. Some of these activities include manhole rehabilitation and pipe rehabilitation. Learn more about these activities by visiting the Sewer Rehabilitation Frequently Asked Questions page.

SR3 Program

Part of WSSC Water’s commitment to water quality includes the Sewer Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (SR3 Program). In July of 2005 WSSC Water joined with other individuals and groups concerned with water quality and announced an agreement on a comprehensive action plan to dramatically minimize (and where possible, to eliminate) sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). An SSO is an event where untreated or partially treated wastewater discharges from a sanitary sewer system into the surrounding areas. The program encompasses comprehensive sewer basin studies and sewer main, manhole and house connection reconstruction and replacement. The SR3 Program page on this website includes information about the SSO Consent Decree, the right-of-entry program, work areas (including affected basins) and project updates, outreach materials, and frequently asked questions.

Impact to Customers

While sewer system work is in progress water and sewer service may be interrupted for a period of time to allow work to be completed. Customers whose homes and businesses are impacted by this work will be notified approximately 48 hours in advance of any interruption to their water or sewer service. If you are at home you may even be asked not to use water for short periods of time. The period of “no water” is necessary to allow the contractors to work safely, allow for proper material curing/setting times, and the successful reinstatement of your sewer service.

Construction equipment needed to complete the sewer rehabilitation work will remain in the project areas for the duration of the project. In some residential neighborhoods, this could mean adjustments in parking and neighborhood driving patterns. Every effort will be made to minimize traffic inconveniences and to maintain appropriate signs to assure road safety in work areas. Also, because some of this work may have to be performed during the late evening and the early hours of the morning when customer sewage flows are relatively low, there may be some night time noise and bright lights associated with nighttime work.

We hope you will see that in spite of some temporary, short-term inconvenience, the upgrade of the existing sewer system is less disruptive than traditional excavation and installation. Again, WSSC Water appreciates your cooperation and understanding.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that you may experience and want to assure you we will take steps to minimize any inconvenience this work may cause. These are important projects and if you have any questions, feel free to call the WSSC Water Sewer Rehabilitation Section at 301-206-8577, or send an email to

Notification Tools

To find out whether work is happening in your area, you may access the In Your Neighborhood Map and input information to view work types related to a specific street or renewal contract.

For the latest information on when and where SR3 Program construction activities are planned in your area, click on the interactive In Your Neighborhood Map.

In addition, WSSC Water has a new Customer Notification System (CNS) that can inform and update customers about such projects via text message or email. Customers must sign up for CNS. During the sign-up process click on the box that says “community/other events”. CNS is free, but charges from your cell phone provider do apply for text messages.

Vendor Information

Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts

WSSC Water awards Indefinite Delivery and Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts for work on:

  • Roads (public streets and thoroughfares)
  • Laterals (mainline to property or ROW line)
  • Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)

All vendors interested in doing business with WSSC Water must be registered in the Supplier Portal. This is a web-based tool for suppliers and bidders interested in receiving announcements of bidding opportunities.

Office of Supplier Diversity and Inclusion

WSSC Water is committed to working with small, local and minority businesses. The Office of Supplier Diversity and Inclusion (OSDI) supports WSSC Water’s Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program and Small Local Business Enterprise Program.

Recognized MBE Certifying Agencies

Last Modified: July 25, 2022, 3:09 pm EDT