Scheduled Shutdown - Clopper Rd

Liberty Mill Rd Area

Get Current 2.0 Program

Eligible Customers Receive Up to 50% in Bill Credits and Waived Fees - Runs March 1 to June 30

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Learn about our lead reduction program.


Because much of our sewer pipeline system dates to the 1940s, a major rehabilitation program is under way to repair or replace the aging system.

WSSC Water, one of the nation's largest water and wastewater utility, operates and maintains almost 6,000 miles of sewer pipeline. Most of these pipes were constructed in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and are nearing the end of their useful life.

With that in mind, WSSC Water has an ongoing rehabilitation program to repair, renew or replace aging sewer pipes. The modernization program, which is a years-long effort, will extend the life of the existing sewer system up to 100 years and eliminate sewer overflows and basement backups. The rehabilitation work is also a key part of a 2005 consent decree WSSC Water reached with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Maryland Department of Environment and several local environmental groups.

Learn about the Consent Decree

Information about the various rehabilitation programs, and what to expect if there is work in your neighborhood, is outlined on this page. To learn if there is any WSSC Water work near you, check this interactive map.

The 'SR3' program

The Sewer Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation program - which we call our "SR3 Program" - is our ongoing effort to upgrade the sewer pipeline system. It's a key element of our consent decree with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Maryland Department of the Environment, which called for a multi-year action plan to dramatically minimize sewage overflow - and eliminate it where possible.

Learn More About SR3 | Learn about Sewer Overflow Prevention

Sewer pipeline infrastructure improvement and rehabilitation

The Sewer Rehabilitation Section - which is part of the Pipeline Design Division - plans, designs and manages sewer system repair, replacement and rehabilitation projects to extend the useful life of the aging sewer system.

Learn More About Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation methods

Routine maintenance - much of which is part of the SR3 Program - includes pipeline rehabilitation and manhole rehabilitation (replacing manhole frames and covers that are damaged, are above or below the street grade, or allow street runoff to enter the sewer system).

Learn More About Rehabilitation Methods

Ten Mile Creek / Clarksburg sewer service alternatives

Working with Montgomery County’s Department of Environmental Protection, WSSC Water conducted a study of sewer alternatives to service the Clarksburg-Ten Mile Creek area. Twelve sewer service options were developed.

View the Ten Mile Creek Final Report

Rehabilitation work can impact you

While sewer system work is in progress, water and sewer service may be interrupted. Impacted residential and business customers will be notified approximately 48 hours in advance of any interruption. You might be asked not to use water for short periods of time.

Construction equipment needed for the rehabilitation work will remain onsite until the project is completed, which could affect parking and neighborhood driving patterns. Every effort will be made to minimize traffic inconveniences and to maintain appropriate signs to assure road safety in work areas. Also, because it might be necessary to perform some work during late evening or early morning hours, there might be work noise during those times, and bright lights for nighttime work.

We hope you will agree that despite some short-term inconvenience, the sewer system upgrade is less disruptive than traditional excavation and installation. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience and want to assure you we will take steps to minimize any inconvenience the work may cause. If you have any questions, contact the WSSC Water Sewer Rehabilitation Section at 301-206-8577, or email

Last Modified: November 10, 2024, 9:21 am EST