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The Sewer Rehabilitation Section of the Pipeline Design Division is responsible for planning, designing, and managing sewer repair, replacement, and rehabilitation projects. WSSC is implementing various rehabilitation programs that will extend the useful life of the aging sewer system in Montgomery County and Prince George’s County which is approximately 50 to 100 years old. 


The day to day responsibilities of the Sewer Rehabilitation Section include activities in support of the Consent Decree Program and other improvements to the sewer infrastructure system.  These activities include:

  • Managing Article 6 of the Consent Decree, including the development and submission of the Sewer Repair, Rehabilitation and Replacement Plans to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) for each sewer basin in the collection system.
  • Reporting progress on a quarterly and annual basis to EPA and MDE.
  • Coordinating with design firms to develop construction documents for sewer rehabilitation projects to meet requirements of the Consent Decree.
  • Preparing detailed plans and specifications for sewer replacement/rehabilitation projects.
  • Consulting and working with other WSSC departments to administer architect/engineer (A/E) and construction and emergency contracts.
  • Providing engineering and design support to the Piepline Construction Division and the Customer Services Team.
  • Preparing bid-ready specifications for procuring engineering and construction contracts.
  • Providing technical review of task orders documents to ensure accuracy of details, specifications, and estimates.
  • Preparing documents to obtain State and County permits.
  • Utilizing various software programs such as Primavera, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Maintenance Management Information System (MMIS), and Lucity to manage and evaluate the sanitary sewer system.
  • Locating, inspecting, and repairing sewer house connections up to the customer property line.
  • Attending Pre-Construction meetings to verify work to be performed.
  • Reviewing new products for possible incorporation into our standard specification.
Last Modified: May 17, 2021, 9:26 am EDT