Sewer Rehabilitation in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties; Contract No. CI5335A17
A Project Financially Supported by the State of Maryland and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
Under the direction of the Maryland Department of the Environment and Approved by the Maryland Board of Public Works |
In partnership with MDE Maryland Water Quality Financing Administration, WSSC Water has procured contractors for the rehabilitation, replacement and/or relocation of sewer mains and manholes in public rights-of-way or within WSSC Water easements in various locations in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, Maryland. WSSC Water anticipates rehabilitating its sanitary sewer mainline, lateral and manhole systems by utilizing trenchless technologies such as structural lining and grouting. Work involving pipe bursting, open cut, and sewer manhole replacement will also be required. |
Westley W.O . Moore, Governor
Last Modified: April 3, 2023, 4:47 pm EDT