Get Current 2.0 Program

Eligible Customers Receive Up to 50% in Bill Credits and Waived Fees - Runs March 1 to June 30

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Learn about our lead reduction program.


WSSC Water fees explained

WSSC Water wants to be clear about what you pay for. Here is an explanation of the fees you will see on your bill.

Ready-to-serve charges

Because WSSC Water is a non-profit public utility, our rates produce only enough revenue to support services and operations. Our rate structure consists of both variable rates and fixed fees that reflect the cost of providing services to different customers based on their usage characteristics. The Annotated Code of Maryland authorizes a fixed ready-to-serve charge that represents the fixed costs of delivering service to customers, regardless of the volume of service they use. The ready-to-serve charge has two components: the Account Maintenance Fee and the Infrastructure Investment Fee.

Account Maintenance Fee

The Account Maintenance Fee is a fixed fee that covers the cost of maintaining and servicing each account. It funds a wide range of customer service and meter maintenance costs such as:

  • Providing agents to answer the telephone, written and in-person inquiries
  • Reading meters and processing meter readings
  • Generating and mailing bills
  • Collecting payments
  • Purchasing, repairing and replacing meters
  • Maintaining meter pits

The fee increases with the meter size because it costs more to buy and maintain larger meters.


SMALL METERS FY 2024 Approved Quarterly Charges
Effective July 1, 2023
FY 2025 Approved Quarterly Charges
Effective July 1, 2024
5/8" -1" $18.23 $30.08
1 - 1/2" $18.23 $30.08
2" $30.77 $50.78
3" $75.21 $124.10
4" $161.82 $267.01
6" $175.49 $289.56
8" $227.91 $376.06
10" $280.33 $462.55
2" $37.61 $62.06
4" $201.71 $332.83
6" $290.59 $479.48
8" $525.34 $866.82
10" $721.34 $1,190.22
4" $207.40 $342.21
6" $333.89 $550.92
8" $515.08 $849.89
10" $777.17 $1,282.34
12" $1,127.02 $1,859.59

This quarterly fee is prorated based on the number of days in the billing cycle.

Infrastructure Investment Fee

The Infrastructure Investment Fee is a fixed fee that funds part of the debt service associated with water and sewer pipe reconstruction under WSSC Water's Capital Improvements Program.


SMALL METERS FY 2024 Approved Quarterly Charges
Effective July 1, 2023
FY 2025 Approved Quarterly Charges
Effective July 1, 2024
5/8" $12.54 $20.70
3/4" $13.67 $22.56
1" $15.95 $26.32
1 - 1/2" $102.56 $169.23
2" $210.82 $347.86
3" $666.64 $1,099.96
4" $924.46 $1,528.66
6" $1,441.54 $2,378.55
8" $3,242.03 $5,349.35
10" $5,042.51 $8,318.50
4" $568.44 $938.26
6" $701.86 $1,158.24
8" $2,876.22 $4,745.77
10" $3,092.74 $5,103.03
12" $5,941.61 $9,803.66

This quarterly fee is prorated based on the number of days in the billing cycle.

Miscellaneous fees

Miscellaneous fees that can appear on your bill include:

Meter Test Fees Missed Appointment Fee
5/8" to 1" $265 First Missed Appointment or Restoration of Service Turn-On $120
1 1/2" $435 Additional Missed Appointment $120
2" and up $485    
Property Inspection Fee Returned Check Fee
Property Inspection Fee $130 Returned Check Fee $35
Meter Reinstallation Correction Fee (Backward Meter Fee - Customer Responsible)
Meter Reinstallation Correction Fee                         $385
Water Turn-Off, Turn-On Fees *  
Customer Requested - Water Turn-Off, Turn-On Fees  
Small Meter Turn-Off $60
Small Meter Turn-On $95
Large Meter Turn-Off $205
Large Meter Turn-On $235
WSSC Water Scheduled Action - Water Turn-Off, Turn-On Fees  
Small Meter Turn-Off  
Small Meter Turn-On $140
Large Meter Turn-Off  
Large Meter Turn-On $415


Bay Restoration Fund Fee

The Maryland Department of Environment (MDE) uses the revenue from the Bay Restoration Fund (BRF) commonly referred to as the "flush tax," to fund improvements to water resource recovery facilities owned by utilities throughout the state, including WSSC Water.

Learn more about the Bay Restoration Fund Fee

Know Your Flow

The more water you use, the higher your bill. Learn how much water a typical household uses - you might find ways to reduce your water use and save money.

Water Consumption Facts & Figures

Financial Assistance programs

WSSC Water has enhanced our financial assistance programs and payment plans to support our customers when they need help the most.

Learn About Our Financial Assistance Programs

Last Modified: February 13, 2025, 4:41 pm EST