Resolving Billing Issues
If you question the amount of your bill, be assured that WSSC Water is here to resolve any issues.
If you question the amount of your bill, be assured that WSSC Water is here to resolve any issues.
If you question the amount of your water/sewer bill, be assured that we are here to help. If you disagree with your bill:
1. Contact our Customer Service Center at 301-206-4001 (toll free 1-800-634-8400) or email us at
2. Our staff will review your bill and billing history, including your Average Daily Consumption. Be aware that if your bill was higher than usual, it could be the result of household plumbing leaks (see Household Leak Detection) or excessive water usage (see Water Usage).
3. If you still are not satisfied, you can dispute your bill using one of these methods: