Get Current 2.0 Program

Eligible Customers Receive Up to 50% in Bill Credits and Waived Fees - Runs March 1 to June 30

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This overview explains important information and key terms you'll see on your bill.

Billing Period
WSSC Water bills residential and some commercial customers quarterly - every three months.

Water and Sewer Usage
Water and sewer charges are measured per 1,000 gallons of use. If rate changes occur, the previous and new rate charges will be reflected on the bill at the beginning of each fiscal year in July.

Bay Restoration Fee
The Bay Restoration Fund Fee is calculated based on the number of days in the billing period. Formerly known as the "flush" tax, the fee generates revenue for improvements to water resource recovery facilities throughout the state. State law requires WSSC Water to collect the fee on behalf of the state of Maryland. WSSC Water offers a Bay Restoration Fee Financial Hardship Exemption Program for customers who can demonstrate that paying the monthly fee creates a financial hardship. To learn more about the program, visit the Bay Restoration Fund page, where you can access an online exemption application, or call 301-206-4001 to have a form mailed to you.

"Ready-To-Serve" Charge*
There are two components to this charge:

  • The Account Maintenance Fee, which covers the cost to bring water and sewer service to every home and business; including meters, meter-readers and billing; and
  • The Infrastructure Investment Fee, which funds the replacement and rehabilitation of system infrastructure.

*Note: The Customer Assistance Program provides a credit for WSSC Water’s Ready-To-Serve-Charges of up to $34 per quarterly bill (up to $136 per year). Customers enrolled in Maryland’s Office of Home Energy Programs qualify for this program, which applies to renters when the tenant is the responsible billing party. For more information, visit the CAP page. To enroll, call contact OHEP at 800-332-6347 or visit the Office of Home Energy Programs online.

Average Daily Consumption
Average Daily Consumption, referred to as ADC, is an average of your water consumption over the indicated time period. The ADC per-person consumption is 50 gallons - or 150 gallons for a family of three - which is a good baseline for comparing your own household's water usage. It's important to pay attention to the ADC on each bill, because increases could be signs of a water leak. Learn more about water usage.

Meter Readings
Meter readings indicate how much water is used in a given time period. If your bill indicates the reading is an "estimate," contact the Call Center at 301-206-4001 to have WSSC Water obtain an actual meter reading. Estimated billing occurs only when your meter cannot be read due to severe weather, an inoperable remote reader, or an inaccessible meter. State law requires WSSC Water to obtain an actual meter reading at least once every six months. When charges are estimated, unnoticed plumbing leaks could remain undetected, resulting in wasted water and a higher charge once a reading is eventually taken. Learn how to Submit a Meter Reading.

Last Modified: March 1, 2024, 1:31 pm EST