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Billing Adjustment Request

WSSC Water is committed to providing you with accurate, timely and affordable water and sewer bills. If you receive a bill that is higher than you anticipated, consider whether you’ve had recent leaks, including underground leaks, running toilets, or plumbing repairs. Toilet leaks are the most common cause of unexpectedly high water bills. These videos show you the cost of a toilet leak and how to check for toilet leaks using dye tabs.

Property owners are responsible for maintaining their property’s plumbing, including identifying and repairing all leaks on private property. However, for various reasons, one or more bills may be eligible for a reduction of charges. Learn about our bill adjustment policies to determine if you might be eligible.

Certain plumbing repairs, such as all repairs to underground water lines, must be done by Registered Licensed WSSC Water Plumbers. Ask for the registration number when selecting someone. Also, when hiring, we recommend you obtain more than one estimate. Learn more about how to find Registered Licensed WSSC Water Plumbers.

Customers who experience high bills due to unidentified reasons with an Average Daily Consumption of at least three times the seasonal comparable ADC from the previous year (or current ADC if comparable is unavailable) and are not eligible for any other adjustment as set out in the WSSC Water Code of Regulations, Chapter 3.20.030, may qualify for a High Bill Adjustment (Single-Unit Residential Properties) or a One-Time High Bill Adjustment (Single-Unit Commercial Properties). These adjustment types do not require that a leak be repaired by a plumber, a plumber’s invoice, or a permit.

The sample chart below may help you determine if one of your high bills is three times higher than the comparable:

High Bill DateHigh ADC (gallons)Comparable DateComparable ADC (gallons)Comparable ADC X 3

In this example, the 01/02/20 bill qualifies for a High Bill Adjustment.

If you received a high bill and believe you qualify for an adjustment as indicated in the Code of Regulations, email your request to

Please include in your email:

  • Subject line: Include your account number or service address and adjustment type
  • Body of email: Describe the issue and, if applicable, the type of leak, repair date(s), who made the repair(s), and affected billing period(s). If you have an inside meter, please include a current meter reading.

To ensure your water usage has normalized and we are able to provide the best adjustment possible, please provide two “check readings” along with the date of the meter reading at least 10 days apart. Instructions for how to read an inside meter can be found in this video.

Note: WSSC Water will obtain check readings for customers with outside meters.

In reply to your email, you will receive a WSSC IssueTrakr number to monitor the status of your request. If you have questions about your adjustment request or any other billing-related matters, Customer Service Advisors are available at 301-206-4001 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays. Please provide the advisor with your IssueTrakr number, if applicable, and your account number or service address.

Last Modified: January 24, 2025, 5:11 pm EST