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Land Services Section

The Land Services Section provides land surveying duties as well as boundary, topographic, construction and final (as-built) surveys, and property acquisition functions. Land Services also handles document preparation and review, compensation negotiation, processing and recording of agreements, easements and rights of way, and fee simple land transfers.

If you plan to submit a Right of Way package (which is also called an Easement package), please review these important guidelines.

Easement Forms

For easements to be granted to WSSC Water, please use the following forms:

For private easements and requirements, e.g. between homeowners, see the Real Property section below.

Sketch Sizes

All Sketches must have a unique number prior to submission and review. To request a sketch number, please email Garrett Schulte or Barbara Dillman with your requirements.

  8 1/2 11 16 20 22
11 A        
12   B      
16   C J    
20   D K P  
24   E L S  
30   F M Y  
34   G N   Z

Land Services CADReview Submission Guide

Please email your AutoCAD DWG file to Be sure to CC your WSSC Water Project Manager and include your contract number in the subject line.

Note: The Land Services CADReview Submission is a separate submittal that has different requirements than the Development Services Division for approval. Submittals to Land Services shall follow the instructions & examples above, while submittals to DSD are required to conform with the DSD drafting standards/WSSC 2020 Civil Drafting Standards.

Google Earth (for Surveyors Only)

Warning: The spatial location of the Vertical Control Stations should be considered as diagrammatic ONLY. Use the location of where the Control Station lies as an idea of what Vertical Control points lie within your survey’s vicinity, note those control stations, then contact Tom Mayers to obtain digital copies of the actual control cards.

Real Property Information

For private easements and requirements, refer to these forms:

DISCLAIMER: These forms are provided as a guide only. WSSC Water does not intend that these forms correspond to all situations. WSSC Water does not warrant that these forms are free from errors or omissions, nor does WSSC Water warrant that these forms meet any particular standard. The provision of these forms does not and should not be considered to constitute legal advice from WSSC Water to the applicant, and no attorney-client relationship is created thereby. WSSC Water advises all applicants to consult with an attorney for their protection before executing these documents.

Contact Us

Barbara Dillman
Land Services Section Manager

Heidi Aragon
Property Acquisition Specialist

Garrett Schulte
Right of Way Review


Gordon Brown


Tom Mayers

Last Modified: April 14, 2022, 8:23 am EDT