Get Current 2.0 Program

Eligible Customers Receive Up to 50% in Bill Credits and Waived Fees - Runs March 1 to June 30

What's Your Pipe Type?

Learn about our lead reduction program.


Engineering Records and Information

WSSC Engineering Records/Information (WERI)  is a browser-based application that members of the engineering and development community can use:  

  • To  view and query geographic data depicting water and sewer assets, properties, and other pertinent information.
  • To view and research scanned copies of our engineering documents (i.e. plans, finals, house connections, 200' sheets, valve cards).

Due to security considerations, only applicant who can demonstrate a legitimate business need can gain access to WERI.  To apply for WERI, please carefully follow the instructions below making sure that you’ve satisfied all the steps and meet all the requirements.    To gain access to WERI, you must:

  1. Have an existing “My WSSC Water” account:   Regardless of whether you are customer or not, you can sign up for “My WSSC Water” account on our website   Please do this before submitting the application form in Step 2 below. 
  2. Once you’ve set up a myWSSCWater account on our website, login using your account and look at the bottom of the  landing page and under  “Others Service” where  you will find the a link to  “WERI Registration (Official Use Only)”.  This wizard will take you through the application process.   After you’ve successfully entered all your information and submitted the application, you will receive an e-mail with instructions on securely uploading a copy of your identification and other credentials.  If you do not receive this mail, please check your spam or junk folders.  Your application is not complete until after we have received copies of these documents. Once the applicant's identity has been verified, WSSC Water will perform a security check with the information supplied on the application.
  3. The applicant is typically notified of the results within one business week, and upon approval, will receive an email with instructions on how to access the WERI application.

WERI setup and usage inquiries:

email: Help Desk
or call (301) 206-HELP

Questions on water and sewer extensions

contact Development Services Division
at (301) 206-8650

Last Modified: October 26, 2021, 5:57 pm EDT