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Our Engineering & Environmental Services Division has developed an AutoCAD Civil Drafting Standard to ensure that civil plans submitted to us are graphically consistent.

On this page you'll find WSSC Water's Civil Drafting Standards, as well as AutoCAD Sheet Files (by Division) and the latest version of WSSC Water’s Standard Sediment Control sheet in PDF format.

The WSSC Civil Drafting Standards zip file contains a library of layers, line types, line weights, blocks, and supporting files. You are strongly encouraged to use the provided files; while it is not mandatory at this time, using these files will ensure adherence to our drafting standards.

If you choose not to use these files, you are still required to submit plans adhering to the plotted line types, line weights, blocks, etc. as defined by WSSC Water's Civil Drafting standards PDF that is included in the zip file.

Note: Please read and understand the "READ ME" file in the zip file before using the files provided.

Civil Drafting Standards

This zip file contains:

  • !READ ME FILE FY20.pdf
  • WSSC 2020_Civil Drafting Standards.dwg
  • WSSC 2020_Civil Drafting Standards.pdf
  • WSSC 2020_Block Library (Folder)
  • WSSC_2020_Linetypes.lin (Linetype File)
  • WSSC_2020_Shp.shp (Shape File)
  • WSSC_2020_Shx.shx (Shape Font File)
  • WSSC_2020_STB.stb (Plot Style File)

AutoCAD Sheet Files (By Division)

Standard Sediment Control Sheet

You need Adobe Reader to view some of these documents. You can download a free copy here.

Last Modified: February 6, 2025, 3:38 pm EST