Tips to prepare for extreme cold

Project Scope:

WSSC Water is installing 2.5 miles of a new 48-inch raw water pipeline, which will run from the Rocky Gorge Raw Pumping Station on Brooklyn Bridge Road to the Patuxent Water Filtration Plant, located on Sandy Spring Road. Most of the pipeline will be constructed within Bond Mill Road. Also, we will relocate approximately .11 miles of existing 8-inch water main within Bond Mill Road ending at the intersection of McCahill Drive and Diploma Drive.   

This project is in conjunction with the Patuxent Water Filtration Plant upgrades that were completed in November 2018. The addition of the fourth pipeline increased the plant’s production to an average of 72 MGD of drinking water with a maximum of 110 MGD if needed.

Anticipated Construction Schedule (weather permitting):   

project timelineproject map

Project Information

Last Modified: December 2, 2024, 5:21 pm EST