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Follow-up Policy

The Office of the Inspector General conducts follow-up reviews to determine the status of management actions and correct deficiencies noted in the audit.


  • Audit findings/observations and management’s action plan with anticipated due dates are sent to TeamCentral for monitoring.
  • TeamCentral automatically emails Process Owners reminders to provide status updates and notifies of delinquent action plans.
  • ALL information must be entered in TeamCentral by either the Process Owner or a Contributor.
  • The first request for a revision/extension to an implementation due date MUST be made by the Process Owner in writing with a reasonable explanation and GM/CEO notification.
  • Additional requests for revisions/extensions to implementation due dates must be made in writing with GM/CEO written approval. 
  • Any request for extension beyond the maximum limit of two (2) will be escalated to the Inspector General.


  • Monthly delinquency status reports are discussed at Commission Meetings.
  • Management Action Plans that are 60 days delinquent will be reported to the Deputy General Manager of the respective owner. 
  • GM/CEO receives a delinquent memo for action plans that are 90-days delinquent.
  • Commissioners receive a delinquent memo for action plans that are 120-days delinquent.
  • Delinquent action plans will be escalated to the Commissioners if the risk to the Commission has increased.

Process Owner’s Role & Responsibilities

  • Own all issues, the risks associated with the issues, and the action plan to mitigate the risks; unless otherwise notified.
  • Ensure the plan of action is realistic, will mitigate the risk identified in the audit report, and that it has been implemented.
  • Establish reasonable implementation due dates for management’s plans of action.
  • Timely enter status updates or changes to management’s plan of action in TeamCentral.
  • Monitor open or delinquent action plans.

Office of the Inspector General’s Role & Responsibilities

  • Verify that management’s action plan has been implemented and that it effectively mitigated the risk identified in the audit report.
  • Assist management with maneuvering through TeamCentral.
  • Consult management on how to effectively close out audit findings.
  • Report delinquent action plans to the DGM, GM/CEO and to the Commissioners on a monthly basis.
Last Modified: January 18, 2021, 8:46 am EST