Contacting the Office of the Inspector General
Phone |
Business Address: |
Mailing Address: |
Jon T. Rymer, |
Inspector General |
Maxene M. Bardwell, |
Assistant Inspector General for Audit |
Tamika L. Taylor, Esq. |
Associate General Counsel II |
Vacant |
Criminal Investigator |
Jieying (Daisy) Qian, |
Auditor |
Janice H. Hicks, |
Supervisory Auditor |
Jane N. Lewis, |
Supervisory Auditor |
Lauren D. Roberts |
Management Support Specialist |
Surandha Singh |
Digdem Tok, |
Auditor |
James A. Wall, Jr., |
Supervisory Auditor |
Dana E. Whiting, |
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit |