Planning projects, building them, and taking care of all the necessary steps along the way - that's what the Engineering and Construction team does every day.

Engineering and Construction is led by Chief Engineer Eyad Mizian.

Meet Our Chief Engineer

The divisions that make up Engineering and Construction are:

Asset Management Division

The facilities that WSSC Water operates and everything we use - equipment, water and wastewater networks, our computers, the software that runs the computers, even the chairs we sit on, are assets. Keeping track of all that inventory - and the risks and costs involved for maintenance, repair or replacement - is the responsibility of the Asset Management Office. The mission of this office is to achieve the sustainable infrastructure needed to deliver the highest level of reliable water and wastewater services.

Development Services

This division manages the planning, design a administration of water and sewer main extensions; prepares contract drawings for service extensions to single homes and homes with failing wells and/or septic systems; reviews and approves plumbing, gasfitting, and house connection applications, and reviews and processes all onsite plans, service connection submittals, and applicant-built construction packages.


The mission of the Planning Division is to ensure there is adequate capacity for the water supply, water treatment, transmission, distribution, and storage systems as well as wastewater treatment, collection, and conveyance systems for both existing and future customers.  Additionally, the division is responsible for developing new, and managing existing regional cooperative agreements with adjoining jurisdictions and other agencies with whom we share resources and providing technical resources that advise the Commission concerning any proposed state and federal policy initiatives, laws, and regulations that may impact activities of the agency.

Facility Design and Construction

This division administers and manages facility planning studies, special projects and other contracts; facility and major pipeline designs; and construction management and inspection of major facility projects.

Regulatory Services

Regulatory services is responsible for the federally mandated pretreatment program; enforces plumbing and gasfitting regulations; regulates discharges into the sewer system; samples discharges from industrial users; conducts investigations and responds to hazardous material spills that enter the sewer system. The division also manages the Fats, Oils & Grease Program and the Cross-Connection Control Program.

Pipeline Design

WSSC Water’s Pipeline Design Division is comprised of three sections – Relocations, Water, and Sewer – working together to manage WSSC Water’s existing water and sewer pipeline systems. The Water Infrastructure Section plans and manages the design of water main rehabilitation projects and provides technical support for WSSC’s construction teams. The Sewer Infrastructure Section plans, designs, and manages sewer repair, replacement, and rehabilitation projects. The Relocations Section evaluates impacts to the Commission’s pipeline infrastructure due to construction and related activities performed by other governmental agencies, utilities, and private homeowners.

Pipeline Construction

This division oversees contract management and inspection of construction contracts for water supply and wastewater pipelines. The inspection of paving and sod installation, soil compaction, new and renewed house connections, cleaning and lining of water mains, sewer rehabilitation, and water main replacement is also managed by this division.

Engineering and Environmental Services

This division houses WSSC Water's Engineering Center of Excellence. The division provides technical resource services for capital construction, design, environmental protection, the Geographic Information System and property acquisition by developing construction contract specifications and bid documents; engineer's and change order cost estimates; easement, right of way and service connection recordation. The division also provides in-house design and evaluation for structural, civil, geotechnical, materials, mechanical and electrical engineering for plant and facility modifications, engineering issues and special projects. The Division maintains WSSC Water's Geographic Information System and provides internal surveying and property acquisition operations. The Division manages protection of reservoirs and source watersheds, conducts environmental assessments and regulatory compliance programs, and is the technical liaison for research and environmental organizations.

Engineering and Construction

Last Modified: October 28, 2024, 1:39 pm EDT