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Meter Matters 

Help Us Help You Get an Accurate Reading

With over 500,000 meters in our service area, our meter readers have many miles to cover and homes to visit to obtain quarterly readings. Because our meters are not marked with the WSSC Water logo, many customers may not know what they look like or where they’re located. Knowing a few important facts will help alleviate confusion.

Meters outside the home are often in the front yard or on the front or side of the house. To assist our meter readers in getting a safe, quick reading, we ask that you please keep the area around the meter accessible and free from overgrown plants, grass, dirt, mulch or debris. Please do not paint over the remote mount either.

By having accessible, functioning meters, customers’ water and sewer bills will be more accurate, with fewer chances of estimated bills.

Meter Examples

  Wall Meters/Remotes Visual Style Meters
outside meter cover with pit pad

Outside meter cover with pit pad

wall remote

Example of wall remote

visual read meter

Modern visual meter

meter in ground

Example of meter in yard

wall remote

Example of wall remote

older visual style meter

Older visual meter style

meter on outside of home

Example of meter on house

wall remote

Wall remote

older style visual meter

Older style visual meter

Helpful Tip

On your quarterly bill, there is a letter that distinguishes the type of meter you have (see sample image below). 

meter reading example on bill
Electronic Remote Inside Meter with meter number starting with letter D, E, P, S or W
Visual Remote Inside Meter with meter number starting with letter B, K or V




How to Spot a WSSC Water Meter Reader  

meter reader with badge

Our meter readers wear bright yellow safety vests clearly marked with the words WSSC Water and our logo. They are required to prominently display their WSSC Water photo ID badges, featuring the reader’s picture, employee ID number and WSSC Water logo. 

You’ll spot them getting a reading from an in-ground meter in your yard or one located on the front or side of the home. Some meters must be read manually from inside the home. 

If you’re ever in doubt, request to see the meter reader’s ID badge for verification. 

Reading a wall meter Reading a meter in the ground
Meter reader reading a wall meter
Meter reader reading a meter in the ground

Meter Reader Facts

Meter reader facts
Last Modified: September 12, 2023, 3:11 pm EDT