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Front Foot Benefit Charges

In the year following completion of water and/or sewer main construction, connecting improved properties or abutting unimproved properties are assessed a Front Foot Benefit Charge. The assessment is required by law to repay funds borrowed by WSSC Water for water and/or sewer main construction. Listed below are WSSC Water's latest approved FFBC rates for residential properties.

Front Foot Benefits Disclosure

What is the difference between improved and unimproved property?

Improved property is land that has been converted into a construction-ready site for a commercial, residential or industrial building. It may include drainage, excavation, paving and zoning/land use as part of the development process.

Unimproved property is land that is raw or untouched. It usually lacks services or utilities (such as water, electricity, telephone) and street access.

How is the Front Foot Benefit Charge calculated?

The FFBC assessment is determined by multiplying property footage by the rate per foot for the appropriate property classification.

How many years are charges assessed?

The charge appears on the property tax bill for 30 years, but may be paid in full at any time. The rates are updated annually. The assessments collected during the 2025 Levy will run for 30 years. The bond period for properties levied between 2013-2018 was 20; properties levied between 1983-2012 were 23 years, properties levied in 2019-2024 were 30 years, and earlier years assessments could be from 33 to 50 years.

Why do properties need to pay an assessment?

Every property connected to and using WSSC Water-built water and sewer mains is assessed a front foot benefit charge (per Public Utilities Article 25-204 in the Annotated Code of Maryland). This fee is charged to recover WSSC Water’s construction cost of constructing our water and sewer mains.

Front Foot Benefit Rate Schedule

Assessment LengthAssessment Rate For Water
(Per Ft Per Yr)
Assessment Rate For Sewer
(Per Ft Per Yr)
1st - 150 ft.$4.00$6.00
2nd - 150 ft.$3.00$4.50
Over - 300 ft.$2.00$3.00

Deferred House Connection Rate Schedule

These rates are for properties to be levied in 2025 for house connection construction or service connections occurring in 2024. Like Front Foot Benefit Charges, Deferred House Connection charges this year are assessed for 30 years and can be paid in full at any time.

Type of ConnectionAnnual Rates (Unimproved)Annual Rates (Improved)
1" Water Connection$197.74$696.92
1½" Water Connection$197.74$696.92
2" Water Connection$197.74$696.92
4" or 6" Sewer Connection$440.25$892.40

For more information

See the Property Assessments Manual in the Code of Regulations, or call 301-206-8032 or email

Last Modified: January 13, 2025, 2:15 pm EST