Watershed Regulations
Governing Use of Triadelphia and T. Howard Duckett (T. Howard Duckett ) Watersheds (Regional Source of Water Supply for the Suburban Maryland Area)
These regulations are adopted by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission for the purpose of preventing pollution and securing the sanitary protection of the water of Triadelphia and T. Howard Duckett Reservoirs, and their tributaries, on the Patuxent River. The water from these reservoirs is used as a source of water supply for the Washington Suburban Sanitary District. These regulations also provide for the protection of the Commission’s property surrounding the reservoirs against damage from vandalism, erosion, and fire, while permitting the limited use of the reservoirs for fishing, recreational boating, picnicking, hunting and horseback riding.
The Commission recognizes the recreational value of the reservoirs and land to the public and will permit their use therefore to such extent as the Commission deems consistent with the purpose for which the reservoirs were created and the land acquired -- that of providing and protecting a public water supply.
The Commission owns all the land bordering on the reservoirs and has planted several hundred thousand evergreen and deciduous trees for the protection of this land against soil erosion. These trees, some of which are still small, must be protected from destruction.
These Regulations Cover All Commission Property, Including The Reservoirs.
Watershed Use Regulations
Triadelphia and T. Howard Duckett Watersheds
The major funding source to purchase, build, maintain and operate the reservoirs is the ratepayers of WSSC Water. It is imperative that the reservoirs be protected as a source of drinking water as intended. To protect these reservoirs from pollution, vandalism, misuse, and erosion, WSSC Water adopts and enforces these regulations.
Use of WSSC Water’s Triadelphia and T. Howard Duckett Watersheds (“Watershed”) must be consistent with the purpose to provide and protect the public water supply. Remember, visitors are welcome to enjoy our reservoirs and the surrounding recreational areas, but these are not parks. Protecting the quality of our water supply is our first responsibility, so individuals who violate the Watershed Regulations can and will be prosecuted.
Adequate protection of the reservoirs and watershed requires that some areas be closed to the public, and those areas are marked with permanent or temporary signs indicating “No Trespassing” or other restriction signs. Unless otherwise directed, the public may use designated access points that provide entry to designated roads/trails that provide access to areas suitable for: bird watching, boating, boat mooring and launching, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, and picnics.
WSSC Water expects all watershed users to take great care of the reservoirs, their tributaries or shores. WSSC Water requires all paper, trash, and pet waste to be collected before leaving and be deposited in trash receptacles or taken away for disposal.
WSSC Water reserves the right, without prior notice, to close a portion of the Watershed or close the entire Watershed if water quality is negatively affected; water levels drop to unacceptable levels; the health and safety of the Watershed, WSSC Water systems, WSSC Water customers, or Permitted Watershed users are at risk, or for any other reason that is the WSSC Water’s sole discretion. WSSC Water reserves the right to change these Regulations as needed.
Violations of Division II of the Public Utilities Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, littering, improper disposal of waste, and pollution in any manner are prohibited on WSSC Water property. No nuisances are allowed. Sanitary facilities are provided near fishing and picnic areas.
Watershed users are urged to report any prohibited and/or illegal activities to WSSC Water Police. Watershed maintenance issues should be reported to Brighton Dam Visitors’ Information Center. Note that all telephone numbers associated with these Regulations are listed online on the Contact Us page.
Permitted Activities
- Bird watching in designated areas*
- Boating, kayaking, canoeing, sailing on designated areas of the reservoirs*
- Boat Mooring (personal boats only) at designated areas*
- Bow hunting in designated areas*
- Fishing from boats on designated areas of the reservoirs*
- Fishing from designated areas of the shoreline*
- Gun hunting (as part of a WSSC Water managed hunt only) in specified areas*
- Hiking in designated areas*
- Horseback riding on designated trails*
- Organized athletic activities in designated areas
- Pets/animals are allowed in all areas except the Brighton Dam Azalea Garden (Service animals are allowed). All pets must be kept on leashes at all times. Pet owners will pick up and dispose of any/all waste generated by their pets.
- Picnicking at designated locations*
- Rental of specific facilities*
*WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit Required
Prohibited Activities
- Advertising, solicitation, renting or selling of goods and/or services within WSSC Water owned property.
- Bathing, wading or swimming
- Camping
- Damaging, defacing and/or destruction of WSSC Water property or facilities
- Disobeying a lawful order of an officer
- Disorderly conduct
- Failure to properly dispose of pet waste
- Fires, except in specified areas
- Fox chasing and/or any form of horseback riding not on designated trails
- Gambling
- Ice fishing, ice skating or walking on ice
- Littering
- Loitering
- Loudspeakers or amplification of voices, music or sounds.
- No bicycles or motorized vehicles of any type are allowed on the unpaved roads/trails (Vehicles used for patrol, emergencies, training and/or maintenance are exempted from this prohibition, including contractors working on behalf of WSSC Water)
- Paint ball shooting or games
- Pets/animals in the reservoir or river
- Picnicking in non-picnicking designated areas
- Possession of a non-leashed pet/animal
- Possession of weapons (except when used to participate in a permitted hunt)
- Possession/use of alcoholic beverages
- Possession/use of a controlled substance, with the exception of legally prescribed drugs by the person for whom the drugs were prescribed.
- Religious ceremonies involving entering the reservoir or river
- Removal of soil, archaeological artifacts, stone, plants, trees without WSSC Water permission
- Smoking on WSSC Water watershed property
- Surfboards, windsurfers, paddleboards, sailboards, rafts, houseboats, unseaworthy watercraft, or any craft which facilitates frequent body contact with water in the reservoir, or any craft sold as a “toy” rather than a “boat” are not permitted on WSSC Water reservoirs.
- Trespassing on non-authorized areas and/or posted property
- Unauthorized cutting, trimming, clearing of trees, branches, and flowers
- Unsanitary practices
- Use of gasoline/diesel motors in/on WSSC Water reservoirs/rivers (motors used for patrol, emergencies, WSSC Water-approved training and/or maintenance are exempted from this prohibition, including contractors working on behalf of WSSC Water)
- Use of WSSC Water property without proper permits
Permits & Fees
Every person who has reached his/her 16th birthday must possess and carry a WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit (“Use Permit”) while: bird watching, boating, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, and/or hunting. A minimum of one person 16 years of age or older must obtain a Picnic Permit per picnicking group. The cost to purchase a Picnic Permit is based upon size of the group.
Once purchased, WSSC Water Use and Picnic Permits are non-transferable and non-refundable. Use and Picnic Permits are only valid when used by the person or persons to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when utilizing WSSC Water property along with proof of identification. In addition, people who fish or hunt must possess and carry the appropriate Maryland permits, licenses, and stamps.
Every WSSC Water Watershed Permit is subject to the condition that it will be revoked whenever the Permit holder violates any WSSC Water regulation/ law or State of Maryland law. WSSC Water may refuse any violator the privilege of any further use of Watershed. Any person aggrieved by the decision of WSSC Water to revoke his/her Permit, deny issuance of a Permit, or assess of fees or fines in relation to a Permit may appeal the decision pursuant to Standard Procedure L-07-02, Procedure for Adjudicatory Hearings, by contacting the Corporate Secretary at the Richard G. Hocevar Building. No Permit and/or Entrance fee will be refunded on revoked Use, Picnic, and/or Entrance Permits.
A listing of Watershed Fees can be found in a table on this page. Persons who have reached 65 years of age will be issued an individual complimentary Use Permit upon proof of age. Military service-connected disabled American Veterans will be issued a complimentary Use Permit provided they provide proof of service and disability. In addition, a resident of Maryland who is on active duty with the armed forces and on leave with official leave orders will be issued a complimentary Use Permit upon proof of his/her leave orders. WSSC Water employees and retirees will be issued a complimentary Use Permit upon proof of his/her employment. Permit fees are established by the Commission, and are subject to change.
Adjacent Landowner and Equine Boarding Stables Permits
Watershed adjacent equine boarding stables and adjacent landowners who wish to access authorized designated trails on WSSC Water property for the purpose of: bird watching, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, or picnicking from a point other than those designated by WSSC Water for general Use Permit holders may be allowed to purchase the appropriate entrance permit. Permission is conditioned upon the location of the adjacent property to the authorized designated trail. If permission is granted to the adjacent landowner for access, an appropriate entrance permit will be issued and the adjacent landowner must enter into a legal agreement with WSSC Water prior to directly accessing WSSC Water Watershed. In addition, all Watershed users are required to obtain a Watershed Use Permit.
Boarding stables and/or landowners who benefit financially from having access to WSSC Water Watershed from other than the designated access points used by Use Permit holders must obtain a Boarding Stable Entrance Permit. Stables and those entities boarding, leasing or renting animals will be considered a commercial business. It is the responsibility of those businesses to ensure persons who board/lease/rent and/or enter WSSC Water Watershed property possess a valid WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit. Failure to do so will jeopardize the business’s current Boarding Stable Entrance Permit and the ability to obtain future Boarding Stable Entrance Permits.
An adjacent land owner who does not board, lease, or rent horses for/to other persons, but wishes to access WSSC Water property for horseback riding must obtain an Adjacent Landowners Entrance Permit and enter into a legal agreement with WSSC Water prior to accessing WSSC Water property from their adjacent property in addition to obtaining a Use Permit.
Where to Purchase Watershed Permits
Seasonal and Single Day Watershed Use and/or Picnic Permits are available at: Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Cabin, Richard G. Hocevar Building-Cashier’s Window, and online at www.WSSCwater.com. WSSC Water also has a free, downloadable Watershed Use Permit application for smart phones and tablets.
Boat Mooring, BioBrick Pavilion, Azalea Garden, Boat Removal and Storage fees must be paid for at the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Cabin.
Applications for a Boarding Stable Entrance Permit and Adjacent Landowner Entrance Permits, please contact (301) 206-4FUN (4386), select option 2 and leave message as directed.
Bird Watching
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
A WSSC Water Use Permit is required for all bird watchers that are 16 years of age or older. Minors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who also holds a valid Use Permit. A Use Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when bird watching on WSSC Water property.
Bird Watching is allowed only at designated areas on WSSC Water property. In addition to the March 15 – November 30 Open Season, special organized events, such as the annual Audubon Society Christmas Count will be coordinated through WSSC Water’s Watershed Manager. There will be no charge for participants of the Christmas Bird Count. The Trails to and from bird watching sites must not be used if they are wet or muddy. Daily open/closed status of these trails is available by calling 301-206-4FUN. Maps of current bird watching sites are available at the Brighton Dam Visitors Cabin.
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset.
A WSSC Water Use Permit is required for all boater activities by persons that are 16 years of age or older. Minors under 18 years old must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who also holds a valid Use Permit. A Use Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when using WSSC Water property.
WSSC Water requires that all boats/kayaks/canoes that have been used in another river, lake, or pond be cleaned and dry prior to use in any of WSSC Water reservoirs.
Boating will not be allowed if conditions on the reservoir(s) are icy. Open/close status of the reservoir(s) is available by calling 301-206-4FUN. General boating requirements are set by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Boaters must know the requirements and abide by them. The State of Maryland requires that boats carry a whistle or air horn, and personal flotation devices (PFDs). All boats must fully comply with State of Maryland and WSSC Water Rules and Regulations.
WSSC Water’s regulations require use of U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices (PFDs) by occupants of: boats, kayaks, canoes, sailboats, and inflatable vessels.
Boats or craft less than 8 feet in length and inflatable craft less than 9 feet in length, are not allowed.
The entire surface of both reservoirs, except those areas beyond lines marked with safety buoys, is available to all Use Permit-holding boaters. All boats, including sailboats, are limited to the designated fishing and boating waters of the reservoirs. Boaters may embark and disembark only at WSSC Water designated launch areas.
Boats used for single-day outings do not have to be registered by WSSC Water, but will not be left unattended. Boats used for single-day outings must be launched and removed only at designated launching points.
Boat specifications
GASOLINE ENGINE USE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED except for use by WSSC Water, fire & rescue departments, police and/or military boats used for: patrol, training, emergencies or maintenance. These craft are exempted from this prohibition, as are contractors working on behalf of WSSC Water.
Boats propelled by oars, paddles, or sails are allowed. Boats propelled by electrically-operated motors (battery powered) are also permitted, provided they are equipped with suitable oars or paddles and are registered with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Surfboards, windsurfers, paddleboards, sailboards, rafts, houseboats, mattresses, unseaworthy watercraft, or any craft which facilitates frequent body contact with water in the reservoir, or any craft sold as a “toy” rather than a “boat” are not permitted on WSSC Water reservoirs. No float fishing tubes are allowed. Experimental watercraft or novelty watercraft of an unconventional design must have specific approval by WSSC Water before use on the reservoir(s). All boats must be buoyant if submerged and must float if they are swamped. All inflatable craft must have at least three separate air chambers.
Boats must be of safe design and must be in safe condition. All boats deemed by WSSC Water to be unsafe, or which fail to meet any of the above specifications, will be immediately removed from the reservoirs. If necessary, WSSC Water will dispose of the boat or craft. The WSSC Water is not responsible for damage to, loss of, or any unauthorized use of any boat or craft, whether or not it is being held by WSSC Water for violations of these regulations.
Safety load limits
The U.S. Coast Guard requires boat manufacturers to install a Capacity Plate in plain sight of the helm on most vessels less than 20 feet in length. The capacity plate provides the operator with information concerning the maximum number of persons on board and total weight the boat can carry which includes persons, equipment, fuel, engine, etc. Always adhere to the information provided on the capacity plate. Do not overload your boat. Anyone who exceeds the boat or craft’s rated load capacity may, in accordance with Maryland law, be charged with reckless or negligent operation, in addition to revocation of the WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit.
Boat Mooring
Open Season Mooring: March 15 – November 30
Winter Mooring: December 1 – March 14
WSSC Water Watershed Mooring and Use Permits are required. Sailboats over 14 feet in length are not permitted to be moored.
Persons wishing to moor their boat at designated areas around the reservoirs must purchase a Mooring Permit in addition to a Use Permit. Boats may not be moored at either reservoir during the Winter Mooring season unless a Winter Mooring fee is paid in advance.
Moored boats must be registered at WSSC Water's Brighton Dam Visitors Information Center, where it will receive a registration number and registration sticker. The sticker must be placed on the boat’s stern. A mooring fee is chargeable per mooring stake.
Boats must be registered for a mooring space under the name of one owner. Mooring stakes will be assigned as availability allows. Mooring areas are available at designated locations at Triadelphia, Greenbridge, and Scott’s Cove. The owner of a boat assigned to a mooring stake may allow other persons to use the boat, provided the owner makes no charge for this use and the person to whom the boat is loaned has reached his/her 18th birthday, possesses a valid WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit and otherwise abides by the Watershed regulations and the laws of the State of Maryland.
Removal and Storage Fees
WSSC Water will remove boats if owners have not done so by December 1, if they are placed on the reservoir before the opening date and if the boat was not secured by a Winter Mooring fee. Boats will also be removed if they do not have a Mooring Permit, or if they are otherwise in violation of WSSC Water regulations and/or Maryland law. The owners of all boats removed by WSSC Water will be charged a removal fee. The owners of these boats will be assessed an additional monthly storage fee, for a period not longer than one year. At the end of that year, if the boat is not claimed and the outstanding fees are not paid, the boat will be considered WSSC Water property and WSSC Water will dispose of it as it sees fit.
All boats kept at designated mooring areas must be securely locked at all times, except when in use. Any boat or craft that is not locked may be confiscated by WSSC Water, and the owner will pay the removal fee and any charges for storage in addition to being subject to a civil citation under Division II of the Public Utilities Article, of the Maryland Annotated Code. Boat or craft removal fees and storage fees are established by the Commission and, from time to time, are subject to change.
Risk and responsibility
Registered boat or craft owners agree that if he/she uses a mooring stake or operates the boat or craft on the reservoir(s) he/she does so at his/her own and sole risk and that WSSC Water is not responsible for fire, theft, damage, or loss of the boat or craft or any article left in the boat or craft, and that only permission to tie up that boat or craft is granted by WSSC Water and no bailment is created. The acceptance of the Use Permit upon the foregoing terms and conditions is expressly acknowledged by obtaining a Use Permit and the boat owner releases WSSC Water from any and all claims and demands for loss or injury involving the use or mooring of his/her boat or craft.
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are from sunrise to sunset.
A WSSC Water Use Permit is required for all persons that are 16 years of age or older. Minors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who also holds a valid Use Permit. A Use Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when using WSSC Water property.
WSSC Water enforces all Maryland Department of Natural Resources regulations. Fishermen must comply with Maryland fishing regulations on fishing season, allowable species, minimum size and creel limits. Nets, hand lines or other devices will not be allowed, except that carp may be taken with bow and arrow. Fishing through ice is prohibited.
Each person who has reached his/her 16th birthday must possess a Maryland Angler’s License as provided by State law in order to fish.
Fishing locations
Fishing is permitted from boats and from the shores of the reservoirs at places designated by WSSC Water. Fishing location maps are available at the Visitors Information Center at Brighton Dam.
Fishing and boating are not allowed from the T. Howard Duckett Dam, Brighton Dam or their immediate vicinity, or between the dam and the points marked by signs and buoys. Fishing is permitted in the Patuxent River area directly below Brighton Dam, and requires a Use Permit while on WSSC Water property.
Fishing from the shores of the Triadelphia Reservoir will be allowed only at the following designated locations. These areas are accessible using existing roads and do not require trespassing through restricted areas.
- Where Greenbridge Road terminates at the reservoir in Montgomery County, going both east and west along the shoreline until coming upon the “No Trespassing” signs.
- Where Triadelphia Lake Road terminates at the reservoir in Montgomery County, going east along the shoreline with the signs indicating the designated fishing boundary.
- The fishing dock/pier located at the Triadelphia Recreational Area in Brookeville. Handicapped or disabled persons have priority use of this designated area.
Fishing from the shores of T. Howard Duckett Reservoir will be allowed only at the following designated locations:
- Along the west bank only, parallel to Tucker Lane, south from Maryland State Route 108 approximately 650 yards to the “No Trespassing” signs.
- Scott’s Cove adjacent to all parking lots, along the perimeter, both east and west, to the “No Trespassing” signs.
- Along the south bank from the end of Supplee Lane, west, and east to the “No Trespassing” signs.
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are from sunrise to sunset.
A WSSC Water Use Permit is required for all persons that are 16 years of age or older. Minors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who also holds a valid Use Permit. A Use Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when using WSSC Water property.
Hiking is allowed on designated trails. Hiking trails are closed in wet weather to protect the watershed from erosion. Trails must not be used if they are wet or muddy. Daily open/closed status of hiking trails is available by calling 301-206-4FUN. Maps of current hiking trails are available at the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Cabin.
Horseback Riding
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are from sunrise to sunset.
A WSSC Water Use Permit is required for all persons that are 16 years of age or older. Minors under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who holds a valid Use Permit. A Use Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when using WSSC Water property.
WSSC Water’s regulations require the use of riding helmets for all persons riding horses.
Horseback riding is allowed only on designated trails. Horse trails are closed in wet weather to protect the watershed from erosion. Riding is not permitted when trails are wet or muddy. Daily open/closed status of horse trails is available by calling 301-206-4FUN. Maps of current horse trails are available at the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Cabin.
No animal waste will be left on the WSSC Water Parking Lots and Roadways.
Trails and access points
Riding trails are maintained by WSSC Water and are marked by signs and or paint marked trees. Entry to these trails is only allowed through WSSC Water designated points of access. However, horses boarded at commercial stables and adjacent landowners who wish to enter WSSC Water property from a point other than those designated by WSSC for general, Watershed Use Permit holders must purchase either a Boarding Stable Entrance Permit or Adjacent Landowner Entrance Permit and enter into a legal agreement with WSSC Water prior to accessing WSSC Water Watershed property from other than a point designated for Use Permit holders.
Riding is permitted on the designated trails. Designated trails may change from time to time as trail conditions dictate. Maps of current horse trails and a listing of authorized access points are available at the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Cabin.
Bow – ½ hour before Sunrise to Sunset, conditions permitting, Dates are determined by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Gun – Managed hunts only. WSSC Water in conjunction with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources will determine dates, times, and locations of managed hunts.
A WSSC Water Use Permit is required for all persons that are 16 years of age or older. Minors under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who holds a valid Use Permit. A Use Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when using WSSC Water property.
WSSC Water property boundaries are designated in most areas by trees marked with blue paint. In addition, signs stating “No Trespassing” are posted at intervals. Maps of designated bow hunting areas are available at the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Cabin and online at www.WSSCWater.com. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and WSSC Water officers have enforcement authority on WSSC Water property.
Bowhunting is allowed on WSSC Water property in designated areas from ½ hour before Sunrise to Sunset. Designated bow hunting areas will be determined by WSSC Water, and are subject to change, based on deer management goals. Bow hunting season dates are determined by WSSC Water in coordination with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, with hunting hours specified in the Maryland State Hunting Regulations. The game laws of the State of Maryland regarding safety precautions, species, bag limit, and possession limit apply in every respect, except that WSSC Water reserves the right to further regulate, or eliminate entirely, hunting on WSSC Water property.
Mandatory use of a safety harness is required for all hunters using a tree stand. All bow hunters must possess, and present if requested, the following: a valid Maryland Hunting license, a Maryland Bow stamp, and a WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit.
Gun hunting
There will be no open access gun hunting on WSSC Water property. Gun hunting is only allowed as part of WSSC Water’s managed hunts. Hunters may apply to take part in WSSC Water’s managed hunts as they become available, and limited numbers of permits will be granted on a lottery basis. To participate in a WSSC Water managed hunt, hunters must possess, and present if requested, a valid State of Maryland Hunting license, current Shooter Qualification certification, proof of a Hunter Safety Training Certificate, and WSSC Water Watershed Use Permit. WSSC Water reserves the right to conduct limited participation hunts for disabled veterans, employees, retirees, and minors less than 18 years of age.
Mandatory use of a safety harness is required for all hunters using a tree stand. All deer harvested in managed hunts on WSSC Water property will be checked in at Brighton Dam on the day of the harvest. For information regarding WSSC Water’s managed hunts, please check online on the Managed Deer Hunt page or call the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Center.
Hunters must obtain permission from private landowners to access their property to retrieve any animal that was wounded on WSSC Water Watershed but subsequently died on private property.
Hunting prohibitions
- Hunting of small game (including night hunting of raccoon and opossum), waterfowl, turkey and fox hunting is not permitted.
- Use of dogs for hunting.
- Rifles and traps will not be used.
- Hunters cannot use boats to gain access to hunting areas. Hunters must not hunt from boats.
- Tree stands are only allowed if they are portable; they must be removed daily, after use.
- Use of screw-in tree steps.
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are from sunrise to sunset.
The Brighton Dam Picnic Area is closed on weekends during the azalea blooming season which is typically April – May, and on other specific dates.
Persons wishing to use picnic areas should call the Brighton Dam Visitor’s Information Center for availability.
A WSSC Water Picnic Permit is required for at least one person 18 years of age or older per picnicking group. Minors under 16 years old must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who holds a valid Picnic Permit. A Picnic Permit is only valid when used by the person to whom it is issued, and must be carried at all times when using WSSC Water property. A Use Permit is not required with a Picnic Permit for those persons picnicking.
The Azalea Garden and the BioBrick Pavilion may be rented for events that are allowed in accordance with these regulations. Rental of the Azalea Garden will not be permitted when azaleas are blooming. With exception of the BioBrick Pavilion and the Azalea Gardens, no other reservations are accepted. Picnickers must remain within designated picnic areas. Parents or guardians must supervise children under their protection and are responsible for their safety.
Charcoal fireplaces, tables, trash receptacles and sanitary facilities are provided for public use. Only charcoal fires are permitted. All charcoal fires must be completely extinguished after use.
Use of WSSC Water Property for Organized Recreational Activities
March 15 through November 30, conditions permitting, daily hours in season are from sunrise to sunset.
Use of designated areas of athletic fields and recreational areas located on the WSSC Water Watershed are contracted on a first-come, first-served reservation basis. Any person or entity requesting to use WSSC Water ball fields must submit a completed application in writing. Groups using athletic areas must show proof of liability insurance. WSSC Water reserves the right at any time without prior notice to revoke the use of its Watershed as necessary for health, safety, and/or environmental reasons. For additional information, please contact WSSC Water’s Production Team Office.
Responsibility of WSSC Water
In granting the privileges of access to, or use of, the Watershed, the reservoirs or any other property of WSSC Water for any purpose whatever, WSSC Water does not warrant that its property is suitable for the purpose for which the privilege or Permit is granted, or that it is safe for any specific purpose, whether or not a Permit is issued pursuant to these regulations, and whether or not a Permit Fee has been received, notwithstanding the fact that a particular portion of WSSC Water’s property may be specified in the Permit. WSSC Water will not be responsible for any damage, injury or death resulting from an accident on any of its property, notwithstanding the fact that negligence of any employee of the WSSC Water may contribute to such accident or drowning. By accepting the Permit, or by using the privilege granted, the permittee thereby agrees to use the property in the condition in which s/he finds it, and agrees to assume all responsibility for her/his own safety and the safety of any minors who accompany her/him; and s/he thereby releases WSSC Water from all claims and causes of action whatsoever arising out of the issuance of the Permit, or arising out of access to and use of WSSC Water property, whether or not such claim or cause of action arises by virtue of the negligence of the WSSC Water or any of its agents or employees. The Permit fees as listed on WSSCWater.com are not charges for use of the property of the WSSC Water but are applied as a partial reimbursement to the WSSC Water for its expenses in maintaining facilities and regulating the use of its property for the benefit of the permittees and for the protection of WSSC Water’s water supply.
Violations of Regulations
Any person found violating any of the laws of the State of Maryland or WSSC Water regulations may be subject to receipt of a citation or to arrest and punishment under the Maryland Annotated Code, Criminal Law Article, and Division II of the Public Utility Article. In addition, further use of Commission property by such persons may be prohibited.
Any person aggrieved by the decision of WSSC Water to revoke his or her Permit, denial to obtain a Permit or an assessment of fees in relation to a Permit may appeal the decision pursuant to Standard Procedure L-07-02, Procedure for Adjudicatory Hearings, by contacting the Corporate Secretary at the Richard G. Hocevar Building located at 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel Maryland 20707.
Watershed Permits
As per WSSC Water Watershed Regulations:
WSSC Water reserves the right to close a portion of, or the entire watershed without prior notice if:
- water quality is negatively affected,
- water levels drop to unacceptable levels,
- the health and safety of the watershed, WSSC’s Water systems, customers, or permitted watershed users are at risk.
At its sole discretion, WSSC Water may change these regulations for any other reason as needed
Please call (301) 206-4386(4FUN) before making any watershed permit purchases to ensure the reservoir that you’d like to use is currently open for recreation.
2025 FeesEffective January 1, 2025 | |
Seasonal Watershed Use Permit | $70 |
Single Day Watershed Use Permit | $5 |
Boat Mooring (Mar 15– Nov 30) | $80 |
Winter Boat Mooring (Dec 1– Mar 14) | $60 |
Boat/Craft Removal fee | $105 |
Monthly storage fee for pulled boats | $80 |
Rental for the Azalea Garden | $75 4 hrs |
Rental for the BioBrick Pavilion | $100 4 hrs |
Boarding Stable Entrance Permit | $260 |
Adjacent Landowner Entrance Permit | $80 |
Picnic Permit | |
applies to groups of 5 between the ages of 16-65 with no daily/seasonal pass | |
groups of 1-5 persons | $5 |
groups of 6-10 persons | $10 |
groups of 11-15 persons | $15 |