Get Current 2.0 Program

Eligible Customers Receive Up to 50% in Bill Credits and Waived Fees - Runs March 1 to June 30

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Learn about our lead reduction program.


WSSC Water's record of excellence has lasted for more than 106 years

WSSC Water is proud to present our annual Water Quality Report, to keep you informed about the safety and quality of the drinking water we provide. The report summarizes the results of more than 500,000 water quality tests we conducted in the previous year.

And as in years past, WSSC Water is reporting zero water quality violations - continuing our record of more than 106 years without a violation. That record is a testament to the hard work of everyone at WSSC Water and our commitment to providing you with clean, safe drinking water. It takes a lot of dedication and a lot of work to produce our Water Quality Report, which summarizes the results of more than 500,000 water quality tests we conduct every year.  

Our Water Quality Report, which is also known as our Consumer Confidence Report, is published every year by April 1, well in advance of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's July 1 deadline. To view a copy, click on one of the buttons below. Customers who need a paper copy can email us at (Reports from previous years are listed farther below.)

Read the Water Quality Report 

Contact us if you have an issue, concern or complaint

If you have a question or concern about the taste or odor of your water, or want to report a water quality complaint, call our Emergency Service Center at 301-206-4002. If you're concerned about the taste of your water (is the chlorine too strong?), the odor (is there a musty smell?), or if you see discolored water coming from your tap, we want to know. Report a Water Quality Complaint

Water Quality Reports from previous years


The number of WSSC Water's drinking water quality violations for more than 106 consecutive years.

Request a Print Water Quality Report

If you need a paper copy of the Water Quality Report (in English or Español), email WSSC Water at Reports are available after April 1. 

Tap Water Analysis Reports

In addition to our annual Water Quality Report, WSSC Water provides a supplementary Tap Water Analysis Report. This report includes all compounds detected in our Water Quality report as well as compounds tested but not detected. It also includes additional parameters of interest such as hardness, pH, and sodium. Tap Water Analysis Reports dating back to 2000 are available online. 

Read the Reports

Water Quality FAQs

Is my water safe for cooking? What should I do if my water smells musty? Or like chlorine? These Frequently Asked Questions about Water Quality can help.

Read the FAQs

Last Modified: August 6, 2024, 1:29 pm EDT