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The Program’s mission is to renew the service life and provide enforcement as necessary for all water pipeline mains and associated appurtenances within WSSC’s service area and provide engineering design support throughout the Commission. Sewer rehabilitation components are integrated into a water pipeline improvement project to the extent practical to ensure infrastructure improvement activities within neighborhoods and sensitive environmental areas are well coordinated for least impacts during construction.

Water Main Transmission Program

  • Implements the WSSC Asset Management Plan by overseeing the Capital Improvement Program for Large Transmission Main ( >= 16 inch) rehabilitation and Extension Program.  Current productivity is at approximately 6-10 miles a year.
  • Conducts Feasibility and Alignment studies for proposed transmission main replacements, relocations, and extensions.
  • Establishes the design criteria for the transmission main system including, but not limited to, material selection, methods of rehabilitation, means of constructability,  hydraulic analysis, geotechnical analysis, structural analysis, corrosion analysis, environmental resource impacts and mitigation.
  • Conducts steady state and transient hydraulic modeling to advice pipeline alignment and surge relief design.
  • Prepare bid ready design documents and provides design services during construction for transmission main rehabilitation and extension projects. .

Water Distribution Program

  • Implements the WSSC Asset Management Plan by overseeing the Capital Improvement Program for Distribution Mains ( < 16 inch) rehabilitation Program.
  • Implements the WSSC Asset Management Plan by overseeing the Capital Improvement Program for the Large Meter Vault Replacement Program.
  • Utilize the WSSC Asset Management Plan findings to select neighborhood projects to program into the Fiscal Capital Improvement Budget for Implementation.  
  • Prepare bid ready design documents and provides design services during construction for distribution main reconstruction and rehabilitation projects.
  • Prepare bid ready design documents and provides design services during construction for the Large Water Meter Replacement Program. 
  • Evaluates alternative rehabilitation methods by conducting pilot projects to test the effectiveness and economy of new rehabilitation technologies such as structural lining, directional drilling, enhanced cathodic protection, alternative pipe materials, among others.

Engineering Support Services

  • Custodian over the GIS interfaced Agency Project Coordination Tool hosting pertinent project information and coordination tools for managing  major Federal, State, Local, Municipal, and Utility entities’ work within the public road right of way.
  • Support the Asset Management Plan development for buried water infrastructure.
  • Provide design services for distribution mains, transmission mains, and large Water Meter Replacement projects.
  • Member of WSSC Material Task Force Evaluation and Selection Committee.
  • Develop complete CAD design files for use in preparing asbuilts for WSSC pipeline infrastructure.
  • Provide geotechnical engineering exploration and design services for pipeline projects.
  • Provide structural engineering analysis and design services for pipeline projects.
  • Provide steady and transient flow modeling and design services in support of transmission main pipeline projects.
Last Modified: May 23, 2022, 2:21 pm EDT