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On October 16, 2024, WSSC Water Commissioners unanimously voted to rescind the motion passed on November 18, 2020, which indefinitely deferred all activities related to Advanced Metering Infrastructure (Smart Meters).

In rescinding the motion, the Board noted that the November 2020 action adversely affected management’s ability to complete vital research and prepare a detailed plan on how to move forward with improving WSSC Water’s metering infrastructure.  

The Board’s vote was not to implement Smart Meters. Rescinding the motion provides WSSC Water with the ability to chart a path forward, taking into account the importance of preserving existing jobs, moving to monthly billing, maximizing efficiency and bringing WSSC Water up to speed in our use of technology.

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How we currently read water meters 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Smart Meters?

Water meters that send water usage information wirelessly using radio or cellular technology.

Do other utilities in this region use Smart Meters?

Yes. The Maryland Public Service Commission has approved Smart Meter technology for BGE, PEPCO, Delmarva Power and Light, SMECO and Choptank Electric Cooperative. DC Water also uses this technology. The City of Rockville is also looking to implement Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for their drinking water system.

What are the benefits of Smart Meters?

Smart Meters help customers quickly identify leaks, which can significantly lower bills. Additionally, these meters enhance meter reading accuracy and allow for monthly billing, which will make bills more manageable for customers. From a utility perspective, using Smart Meters creates a safer work environment for employees and creates a greener future by reducing our carbon footprint.

Is WSSC Water implementing Smart Meters?

Not at this time. The Board’s vote provides WSSC Water the ability to complete vital research and prepare a detailed plan on how to move forward with improving our metering infrastructure. Staff will perform this research over the next several months and present their plan to Commissioners at an upcoming board meeting. 

Last Modified: January 30, 2025, 11:34 am EST