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Notices of Violation and Civil Citations are written to document actions taken when violations of the WSSC Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code occur at an address or by a group of individuals or particular individual licensed or un-licensed.

Notice of Violation includes specific areas found to be in non-compliance with the applicable defined regulations within WSSC Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code. 

They may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Work without license
  2. Work without a required permit
  3. Theft of WSSC Water services (No water meter, bypass the meter, illegal connections are examples. Infractions of this nature are typically written as Civil Citations)
  4. Willfully violating provisions of the Code
  5. Health, Safety and Hazardous Conditions (Imminent threat to public health, welfare or safety or to the WSSC Water systems)
  6. Negligence, Incompetence or Misconduct while providing services as a licensed individual
  7. Aiding or Abetting someone who violates Code provisions
  8. Deceptive Trade Practices as defined under State Commercial Law Articles
  9. Failure to comply with a Notice of Violation   

Additionally Civil Citations may be written for each of the items noted above. Fine amounts of $250, $500, $750, or $1000 can be issued each day of non-compliance until the appropriate corrective action to resolve the violation has been satisfied. The amount of the fine is dependent on the nature of the offense. 

WSSC Water Licensed Plumbers, Gasfitters or Sewer and Drain Cleaners may face license action including written reprimands, suspension or revocation of their license to do work within the WSSC Water area for any of the reasons noted above or repeated violation and /or civil citations.

Unlicensed Work Subject to Criminal Liability

Where an individual or a group of individuals willfully advertised, solicited, contracted and/or performed plumbing, gasfitting, site-utility, sewer and drain cleaning, or waste hauling services without proper licenses or permits, the individual or group of individuals may be subject to civil liability and criminal prosecution under Maryland law.  

Property owners that fail to comply with Notices of Violation may be subject to termination of the WSSC Water water and sewer services to the property in violation.

“Violations and Penalties” are defined in the WSSC Water Plumbing and Fuel Gas Code under Section 108 and Section 110 defines “Theft of Service”.  Please check for the latest edition of the Code.

Last Modified: August 23, 2024, 1:04 pm EDT