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WSSC Water wants you to know all the facts and figures about our Operating Budget and our Capital Improvements Program.

WSSC Water's budget process

Maryland law requires that each year, WSSC Water prepare capital and operating budgets to show funding and staff requirements, organizational components, and its source of funds.

The budget process begins with WSSC Water's many divisions and departments submitting their requests, in line with the General Manager's guidance. Management reviews the requests, then the General Manager presents recommendations to the Commissioners. Following their review, the Commissioners approve a preliminary proposed budget for public hearing and make a budget document available to the public before January 15. Public hearings on the preliminary proposed budget are then held in Montgomery County and Prince George's County before February 15. Comments and testimony from those hearings are considered before the proposed budget is sent to the counties, which by law must be by March 1 of each year.

The County Councils and County Executives then review the budget and make recommendations; any amendments must be approved by June 1. When the counties' actions have been received, WSSC Water adopts an Approved Budget and sets the levels for charges, fees, and taxes. The Approved Budget takes effect on July 1.

Once a budget is adopted, WSSC Water's total expenditures may not exceed the approved budget without an approved budget supplement, which must be approved by the Montgomery and Prince George's County Councils.

timeline for budget adoption

Proposed fiscal year budget overview

The Proposed Budget for FY 2026 for all operating and capital funds totals $1.8 billion or $21.7 million (1.2%) more than the FY 2025 Approved Budget. The Proposed Operating Budget of $1.1 billion represents an increase of $116.2 million (11.4%) over the FY 2025 Approved Operating Budget of $1.0 billion. Additionally, the Proposed Capital Budget of $696.8 million represents a decrease of $94.5 million (-11.9%) from the FY 2025 Approved Capital Budget of $791.3 million.

For details, see the FY 2026 Proposed Budget

Recent Public Hearing Recordings

Montgomery County (1/29/25)

Prince George's County (2/4/25)

You may submit written comments to, or mail them to Budget Division Manager, WSSC Water, 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707 by February 14, 2025. The proposed budget must be submitted to the Prince George’s and Montgomery County Councils by March 1, 2025.

Current fiscal year budget overview

The Approved Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Budget for all operating and capital funds totals $1.8 billion or $186 million (8.9%) higher than the Approved FY 2024 Budget. The Approved Operating Budget of $1.0 billion represents an increase of $88.6 million (9.5%) over the FY 2024 Approved Operating Budget of $931.2 million.

For details, see the FY 2025 Approved Budget

Capital Improvements Program overview

The Proposed FYs 2026-2031 Capital Improvements Program includes an estimated combined total program of $6.5 billion, approximately $84.9 million less than the Adopted FYs 2025-2030 CIP. Estimated combined expenditures in the six-year program period are approximately $4.8 billion, $10.2 million less than the previous CIP. Expenditures for FY 2026 Capital Budget are estimated at $707.1 million for the combined program, $108.8 million less than the previous CIP.

View Proposed FY 2026-2031 CIP

Copies of the preliminary draft of the proposed CIP will be available on the WSSC Water website at, at the WSSC Water Communications and Community Engagement Office, 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707 or by phone at: 301-206-8100 by August 16, 2024.

Submit written comments to or by mail to the Budget Division Manager, WSSC Water, 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707 by September 16, 2024. After public comment, the CIP will be transmitted to the County Executives and County Councils by October 1, 2024.

The Adopted FYs 2025-2030 Capital Improvements Program includes an estimated combined total program of $6.6 billion, approximately $680.8 million greater than the Adopted FYs 2024-2029 CIP. Estimated combined expenditures in the six-year program period are approximately $4.9 billion, $361.6 million greater than the previous CIP. Expenditures for FY 2025 Capital Budget are estimated at $815.9 million for the combined program, $111.3 million greater than the previous CIP.

View Approved FY 2025-2030 CIP

Capital Improvements Program formulation process

Maryland law requires that WSSC Water prepare a six-year Capital Improvements Program for major water and sanitary sewerage facilities and submit it to Montgomery County and Prince George's County before October 1 each year. After the County Councils' final action on the CIP, WSSC Water makes any necessary changes and adopts the CIP before the first fiscal year of the six-year program.

Public Searchable Database

Pursuant to §17-401 of the Maryland Annotated Code, Public Utilities Article, this searchable database contains payments made by WSSC Water to a payee in the aggregate amount of $25,000 or greater in a single fiscal year (July 1-June 30) beginning with Fiscal Year 2019.

Underserved and Unserved Areas

Over the past 15 years WSSC Water has worked with staff from both Prince George’s and Montgomery County Governments to improve the affordability of water and sewer extensions for customers inside the service envelope in the County’s Ten Year Water & Sewer Plans. Below are links to the 2006 and 2014 reports on this issue, final recommendations in 2021 and presentation to Commissioners. 

Last Modified: February 28, 2025, 2:04 pm EST