Commission Meeting, March 19
Public may attend meeting in person or virtually via the call-in information below should they wish to provide public comment.
Public Viewing / Participation Details
Watch: Virtual meeting will be broadcast live for public viewing
Call-in number to provide comment only: 1-240-800-7929
Conference ID: 518 211 245#
Listen or view the meeting through the virtual meeting link, the call-in number is for the public comment period only.
Please note the following:
- No video will play via the virtual meeting link until the meeting starts.
- If stakeholders only want to watch the meeting, they do not need the call-in number.
- The public comment period will start shortly after 10:00 a.m. Those wanting to speak should watch the meeting via the link above to know when it’s time to call.
- Please do not call in before the public comment period starts.
- When calling in to speak, please turn down the computer sound to avoid audio issues.
- Members of the public will have three minutes to speak