Tips to prepare for extreme cold

The Takoma Park Water and Sewer Replacement/Relocation Project is a partnership between WSSC Water and the City of Takoma Park. The Wilson T. Ballard Company is the project design consultant contracted by WSSC Water. 

The project includes replacing/relocating approximately 2000 ft. of small diameter water main and 2000 ft. of small diameter sewer main. The purpose of this realignment project is to improve water and sewer service and fire protection. The project goals are:

  • To replace failing water and sewer mains that were installed in the 1930s or earlier;
  • To replace laterals for individual service connections
  • To assist and support customers to achieve the recommended alignment solution for their home service


Aerial picture of project site


Existing Conditions

6617 to 6761 Block Eastern Avenue

WSSC Water is working to finalize the alignment and design for sewer mains from 6617 to 6761 Eastern Avenue. Following our investigations, the remaining two rehabilitation options are as follows: (1) backyard gravity sewer alignment installed by the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) trenchless method, and 2) front yard pressure sewer alignment with grinder pumps.


Alignment Option #1 – Backyard Gravity Sewer Horizontal Directional Drilling Alignment


Alignment Option #2 – Front Yard Pressure Sewer with Grinder Pumps Alignment


Last Modified: February 4, 2022, 11:29 am EST