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WSSC Water’s aim is to bill customers in the most accurate way possible using actual meter reads.  As a result of not being able to obtain actual reads, many customers will receive an estimated bill. Here are some frequently asked questions regarding estimated billing. 

Estimated Bills and Other Billing Questions

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Estimated Bills and Other Billing Questions

While WSSC Water can read most inside meters remotely from the outside of the home, there are instances when the remote touchpad is inaccessible or is not working.

If the remote touchpad is inaccessible or not working WSSC Water meter readers will leave a yellow Meter Reading Request Card. Our billing system automatically generates an estimated bill if an actual reading is not received before the billing cycle closes. 

Your bill will clearly indicate if it’s an estimated bill.


Please pay your estimated bill. Once we receive the meter reading, any payments received will be applied to your account and toward the actual charges.

When WSSC Water cannot obtain an actual reading, the estimated bill is based on your usage during the same billing period in the prior year. 

 Please provide the actual meter reading using one of the following methods:

  • Call the 24-hour Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) at 301-206-4001 and press or say 4 to enter your meter reading. The IVRS does not accept readings for accounts with multiple meters. Please have your WSSC Water account number ready when calling in the meter reading. You can look up your account number here.
  • Submit your meter reading online! Log in to the MyWSSCWater Portal and directly enter a meter read. This tool is always available.
  • Email us at with a picture of your meter reading. Include your account number and service address in the subject line or body of the email. 
  • Call 301-206-4001, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and press or say 9 to speak with a customer service advisor.

Once WSSC Water receives and validates the meter reading, we will cancel any estimated bills and rebill the account using the actual meter reading provided. Depending on the date the actual reading is received, the new bill may cover more than 90 days (or more than 30 days if you are billed monthly). 

If WSSC Water cannot validate the meter reading provided, you may be asked to contact a customer service advisor to clarify the discrepancy.

If you have any questions about your bill, please call 301-206-4001, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Last Modified: April 26, 2024, 3:52 pm EDT