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There are several different levels of licenses, shown here in ascending order, followed by application requirements further down the page:

Apprentice License

Applicants who have no trade experience may apply for one of the following types of apprentice licenses: plumbing, gasfitting, or a plumbing & gasfitting combination. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age to apply.

An Apprentice Plumber license authorizes the licensee to assist in plumbing services and sewer and drain cleaning services, under the direction of a WSSC Water-licensed Master Plumber or Master Plumber/Gasfitter or under a licensed Journeyman Plumber or Journeyman Plumber/Gasfitter who is under the direction of a WSSC-licensed Master Plumber or Master Plumber/Gasfitter.

An Apprentice Gasfitter license authorizes the licensee to assist in gas fitting services under the direction of a WSSC Water-licensed Master Gasfitter or Master Plumber/Gasfitter; or under a WSSC Water-licensed Journeyman Gasfitter or Journeyman Plumber/Gasfitter who is under the direction of a WSSC Water-licensed Master Gasfitter or Master Plumber/Gasfitter.

An Apprentice Plumber/Gasfitter license authorizes the licensee to assist in plumbing and sewer and drain cleaning services, and gas fitting services, under the direction of a WSSC Water-licensed Master Plumber/Gasfitter; or under a WSSC-licensed Journeyman Plumber/Gasfitter who is under the direction of a WSSC Water-licensed Master Plumber/Gasfitter.

Journeyman Plumber

A WSSC Water Journeyman license authorizes the licensee to provide plumbing and sewer and drain cleaning services under the direction of a WSSC Water licensed Master Plumber.

Journeyman Gasfitter

A WSSC Water Journeyman Gasfitter license authorizes the licensee to provide gas fitting services under the direction of a WSSC Water Master Gasfitter.

Master Plumber

A WSSC Water Master Plumber's license authorizes the licensee to provide plumbing and sewer and drain cleaning services.

Master Gasfitter

A WSSC Water Master Gasfitter license authorizes the licensee to provide gasfitting services.


Requirements for a WSSC Water Apprentice License:

  • Copy of driver’s license or birth certificate (for age verification)
  • Check or money order made payable to WSSC Water, see Approved License Fees
  • Completed WSSC Water Apprentice application

All of the above should be mailed or dropped off to:

WSSC Water
14501 Sweitzer Lane
Laurel, MD 20707

Direct any questions to Licensing at 301-206-8588 or

Journeyman Examination

To take the WSSC Water Journeyman examination, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

Journeyman Plumber: Four years of experience working under the direction of a licensed Master Plumber or Master Plumber/Gasfitter. Current Cross-Connection Backflow Certification.

Journeyman Gasfitter: Two years of experience working under the direction of a licensed Master Gasfitter or Master Plumber/Gasfitter.

The Applicant must submit:

  • Copy of your Apprentice card
  • Copies of W-2’s for the number of years work experienced required
  • Three letters of reference, one of which must be from Master Plumber or Master Gasfitter that the applicant has worked under
  • Fee
  • Completed Examination Application form
  • Additional requirement for Journeyman Plumber applicants only: Copy of current certification of successful completion of a WSSC Water Approved Cross-Connection/Backflow Prevention Course

Master Examination

To take the WSSC Water Master examination, the applicant must have two years of work experience as a WSSC Water licensed Journeyman, working under the direction of a licensed Master Plumber or Master Gasfitter as appropriate.

The Applicant must submit:

  • Copy of your Journeyman card
  • Copies of W-2's or employment payroll records documenting two years work experience under a licensed Master Plumber or Master Gasfitter, as appropriate. If the Master was licensed outside WSSC Water's District, include a notarized letter from the appropriate regulatory agency stating that the Master passed a written exam and that his/her license is in "good standing"
  • Three letters of reference from Master Plumbers or Master Gasfitters as appropriate, or other individuals familiar with the applicant's work
  • Certification of successful completion of a WSSC Water-approved Cross-Connection/Backflow Prevention Course given by a WSSC Water Certified Cross-Connection Instructor
  • Fee
  • Completed Examination Application Form

Sewer and Drain Cleaning License

Applicants may qualify for registration as a WSSC Water Sewer and Drain Cleaner after furnishing satisfactory proof of work experience in the sewer and drain cleaning business, under the direction of a WSSC Water-licensed Sewer and Drain Cleaner, Master Plumber, or Master Plumber/Gasfitter, for a minimum of 3,750 hours and two years. Proof of work experience must be submitted by written notarized statements from one or more employers (WSSC Water licensee of record) and W-2's from the employers. The applicant must also submit referral evidence from at least three persons familiar with the applicant's trade qualifications and character.

A Journeyman Plumber or Journeyman Plumber/Gasfitter is considered a qualified applicant in lieu of the work experience requirements. A Master Plumber or Master Plumber/Gasfitter does not need to additionally hold a Sewer and Drain Cleaner's license in order to conduct Sewer and Drain Cleaning business. Journeyman Plumbers and Sewer and Drain Cleaners who conduct sewer and drain cleaning business as the Licensee of Record must submit a certificate of insurance listing WSSC Water as the certificate holder. Expired insurance certificates invalidate a Sewer and Drain Cleaner's license, and must be renewed and resubmitted to WSSC Water in order to continue conducting sewer and drain cleaning business in the WSSD. Sewer and Drain Cleaners must renew their license every two years, and pay the associated fees approved by the Commission at time of license registration/renewal.

WSSC Water Exams

WSSC Water Exams – Master Plumbing, Master Gas Fitting, Journeyman Plumbing and Journeyman Gasfitter - are administered by PSI. All requirements and qualifications can be found in the PSI Application. After the test, the PSI center will issue your exam score. If you pass, instructions on how to obtain your license will be printed on the report.

License Application Procedures

When you have a passing score from PSI, you must register with WSSC Water.

Your passing score is not automatically forwarded to WSSC Water. To activate your license, you must apply for a new (or upgraded) license.

Additionally, apprentice and reciprocal license applicants, as well as sewer and drain cleaner license applicants, must apply for a new (or upgraded) license.

The licensing process is done online via WSSC Water's ePermitting system. You may also visit WSSC Water’s Permit Services Center (One-Stop-Shop) and use a customer kiosk.

Basic renewals can be completed entirely online, while new and upgraded license applicants will be required to appear in person to complete the registration process:

WSSC Water Permit Services Section, Licensing Office
One Stop Shop – Lobby Level
14501 Sweitzer Lane
Laurel, Maryland 20707

Be sure to bring your current driver’s license or state-issued photo ID, and where applicable, your original score sheet and original Cross Connection certificate for validation. Payment will be made through the ePermitting system at the ePermitting Kiosk or at the Licensing Counter.


For fees related to the registration, renewal or reciprocation of Master Plumber, Master Gasfitter, Journeyman, or Apprentice License as well as Cross-Connection Technician, Sewer and Drain Cleaners, please see Approved License Fees.

Courtesy List of Cross-Connection Trainers

These WSSC Water Certified Cross-Connection Instructors are trained and certified to provide training to plumbing service providers. Existing Master Plumbers and Journeyman Plumbers or candidates seeking either of these two licenses must obtain their training and certification from an approved trainer. Initial training for first-time cross connection technicians must be a minimum of a 32-hour course, and certification is good for three years. Those seeking re-certification must complete an eight-hour course, which is also good for three years.

Reciprocating Jurisdictions

WSSC Water reciprocates plumber and/or gasfitter licenses from Baltimore County, the State of Maryland, and the State of Virginia. Applicants can apply online through the ePermitting System or in-person at the Regulatory Services counter in the One Stop Shop at 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laurel, MD 20707.

The following is required to apply for a reciprocal license:

  • Current License (Baltimore County, Maryland, or Virginia)
  • Current Cross-Connection/Backflow Certification Certificate (for plumber applicants only)
  • Master licensees wanting to purchase permits must also bring a Certificate of Liability Insurance that names WSSC Water as the Certificate Holder
  • Appropriate registration fees

Contact Us

Basic renewals and license upgrades can be completed entirely online, while new license applicants will be required to appear in person to complete the registration process.


WSSC Water Permit Services Section 
One Stop Shop – Lobby Level 
14501 Sweitzer Ln 
Laurel, Maryland 20707

Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. except Wednesday, 7:00 a.m.- Noon

Last Modified: January 6, 2025, 11:10 am EST